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The easy way to use Typescript with React

June 23, 2019

Typescript has been one of the most loved languages on stack overflow for several years running.

Typescript is the number 3 most loved language on stack overflow

I didn’t really understand the value of types until I worked on a team.

When multiple people are contributing to a project TS makes it a lot harder to write javascript bugs, and you can trust functions without reading their definitions.

In this video I show…

  • the way to start a typescript React app in 10 seconds
  • TS + React basics
  • how to set up TS + React + webpack from scratch for a project
  • how to refactor a React app to TS

If you’re starting from scratch, setting up a TS app is as simple as adding a parameter to create-react-app.

npx create-react-app my-app --typescript

i would recommend starting with create-react-app as a “sandbox” to figure out how things work.

You can start playing around with things like…

Interfaces for props

These types will be enforced anywhere I use this component, both on compilation and even in your IDE.


Alternatively, I can set name as an optional field with the question mark

interface IProps {
    name?: string,
    showTime: boolean


Similar to C or Golang, we can have structured objects.

TS enforces rules on objects through an entire data path — you can expect your object to always be a certain shape, regardless of where it is.

It’s best practice to put most (non-prop) interfaces in .d.ts files, which do not need to be imported


Here we have a person struct with multiple fields.

Good-bye “cannot read property x of undefined” errors

Function typing

We make input and return types explicit.

It’s useful because you can now “trust” functions to do what they say, without reading definitions.


Here we expect the person interface as input and return a formatted string message.

If you want to set up TS manually…

By using the typescript webpack loader ts-loader, our transpiler will handle .tsx files and also act as a “compiler” to catch errors.

If your IDE is set up right (VS code is out of the box) then you will also see errors there.

The end result: we will get the exact same build files with a much improved developer experience.

The main steps you need to follow are:

  1. install dependencies (that you haven’t already):
yarn add react &&
yarn add typescript ts-loader webpack webpack-cli --dev
  1. Add a webpack.config.js with ts-loader gist:aj-4/4e5db5e5af5ef8d278e5a640056efc35

the important parts are setting the entry point as index.tsx and the ts-loader rule.

If you are refactoring to ts, simply add to ts-loader to the rules section.

rules: [
        test: /\.tsx?$/,
        use: 'ts-loader',
        exclude: /node_modules/
  1. Next, create a minimal tsconfig.json in the project root. gist:aj-4/49dfc0b096bba7100cb768d6302d78cb

the full set of rules for tsconfig.json are here — vs code also gives you descriptions on mouse-over.

  1. Now write your .tsx files (or change .js(x) files to .tsx) gist:aj-4/5db7ecba8be67abd10efef45746c34cc
  2. Test by building your app with webpack and fix errors yarn webpack
